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Psicología y Bienestar

Depression in Older Adults: Causes, Impacts, Treatments

It is far beyond the time to have candid discussions on a topic that often goes unaddressed–depression in older adults. While this issue may not always be in the spotlight, its impact is profound and far-reaching. In this article, I delve into the causes, impacts, and treatment options for depression in our aging loved ones.… Sigue leyendo Depression in Older Adults: Causes, Impacts, Treatments

Psicología y Bienestar

¿Qué es la autoestima?

La autoestima es el sentido subjetivo del valor personal general. Similar al respeto por uno mismo, describe su nivel de confianza en sus habilidades y atributos. Tener una autoestima sana puede influir en la motivación, bienestar mental y calidad de vida en general. Sin embargo, tener una autoestima demasiado alta o demasiado baja puede resultar… Sigue leyendo ¿Qué es la autoestima?

Psicología y Bienestar

The psychology behind the San Remo festival

During the first week of February, Italy comes together to choose the artist who will win the festival and represent the country in Eurovision. This social event has been running since 1951, when its first edition was presented. For four consecutive days, the candidates and the best performances are discussed incessantly, and there is debate… Sigue leyendo The psychology behind the San Remo festival